Sunday, 22 November 2020

How to Stay Relevant While Blogging About Technology

Blogging about technology is easy since we are living in a technological world. However, as easy as it may be, just because you are blogging about technology does not mean everyone else will stop blogging about technology as well. As such, you need to find a way that will ensure that you remain relevant. Such that even if the future comes knocking your way, you know that you and your tech blog are future-proof.

How To Ensure That Your Blog Is Future Proof

1. Know Your Topic

For starters, you need to know your topic, and to many, this may seem to be relatively easy. However, you will find that may blog writers don’t do much research on the topics that they write about, they simply use skeletal information which will then lead to your blog having shallow information.

Such that if you are using Google as your search engine they will easily kick you to curve and you never see the light of day on their search engine result page. You need to make sure that when you chose a certain aspect about technology to write about you know it inside out. Such that the more that you write, the more that your work will be acknowledged.

This will then prove you an authority and an expert in the field. Which then mean that readers trust you. And if readers trust you, Google trusts you as well. Meaning that even on your bad days, you know that your blog is still able to stand strong due to the reputation that you would have built.

2. Long-form posts perform better

When you write your blog, you need to make sure that you add content, but at the same time, you need to make sure that the content that you add is relevant as well.  While many believe that people don’t like content, this has actually been proven to be false.

According to Hubspot, blogs within the range of 1750 to 2000 words are shared more than blogs that are within the 250 to 500 words. However as much as you will be adding content, you need to mind the styling and the presentation of your work.

The reason why people get bored with reading too much content is that there will be no styling on the page as such it looks boring.

You need to make your blog worthy of the reader's attention, such that even if they browse through your work, your headers will make them want to stop and dig out more.  Make your sentences short, use easy language and short paragraphs, that tricks into thinking that your work isn’t that long. Therefore, it will get more shares, and the more that it is shared, you will be able to stay relevant even in the future.

3. Know Your SEO

Lastly, in order to make sure that your blog is future proof, you need to know your SEO, Search Engine Optimization. SEO is what will make your blog and what will keep your ranking if you are using Google as your search engine that is.

When you write you need to take note of the various things that Google uses to rank blogs. When you write, you need to know that you write for Google and Google is there for the people, therefore your work needs to have a balance between the two.

You can use tools like Neil Patel to help with the ranking of technology blog as it comes with keywords as well as other strategies to make sure that you blog is future proof.

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