Tuesday, 20 July 2021

10 Awesome Advantages of Entrepreneurship- 10 Entrepreneurship Advantages

“Entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80
hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week,”
says ‘Shark Tank’ investor Lori Greiner. While this
may be tongue-in-cheek, it is true that entrepreneurs
have built a reputation for breaking out of the mold
and working hard to live a certain kind of life.
That is because, for many ambitious professionals,
the benefits of entrepreneurship are incredibly
rewarding. Read on to discover 10 of the greatest
perks of becoming an entrepreneur, and find out
how you can experience these advantages while
starting your small business.

1. A flexible schedule

So many people begrudge the office routine that it’s
called the “9-to-5 grind.” As an entrepreneur, you
have the opportunity to break out of that cycle and
create your own schedule. Start your day early if
you’re a morning person, work later in the day if you
prefer evenings, and take an afternoon jog whenever
the fancy strikes.
This scheduling power isn’t just freeing, it also may
be healthier as well. One study conducted by the
National Center for Biotechnology Information found
that a results-based work atmosphere (where the
focus is on results rather than working a certain
number of hours) leads to greater mental and
physical wellness.

2. Autonomy

Digital news outlet Quartz reported on the multiple
studies that have demonstrated the link between
autonomy and job satisfaction. It turns out that
employees who have more control over their work
tend to be more engaged and less emotionally
exhausted. Just another perk of being your own

3. Creating a career that aligns with your values

Aligning your personal values with career values is
an intensely gratifying experience. Someone who
believes in respecting the environment, for instance,
would probably find a career in renewable energy
incredibly fulfilling.
You don’t have to find that perfect job; create it!
Entrepreneurship allows you to fashion a life and
career that directly align with your core values, like
helping others, saving the environment, or putting
family first.

4. Constant growth and development

Starting a company forces you to constantly improve
your skillset, from marketing to closing deals to
creating Excel reports. There is always more to learn
and apply to your business, which can prevent
complacency and encourage constant professional

5. Meeting like-minded people

Businessman Jim Rohn said, “You are the average
of the five people you spend the most time with.” By
becoming an entrepreneur, you will join a group of
ambitious and helpful people who believe in
bettering themselves and the world. It isn’t hard to
imagine that these connections will push you to
become a better person along the way.
Plus, there are plenty of opportunities to connect
with mentors, brainstorm with fellow professionals,
and reach out for help during tough times. No one
succeeds alone, but with a supportive network of
likeminded people, entrepreneurs don’t need to.
Tip: If you would like to connect with fellow
entrepreneurs while developing your skills, find your
nearest Community Futures regional office and sign
up for a business workshop now!

6. Unexpected and thrilling experiences

If you are considering becoming an entrepreneur,
you probably appreciate the value of the
unexpected. Not knowing exactly how the day is
going to play out when you wake up is exciting,
especially when compared to the predictable and
monotonous schedule of a traditional office job.
Another related benefit: responding to unexpected
situations teaches you to live in the moment and be
more present.

7. Choosing who to work with

Entrepreneurs can choose which clients to work
with, employees to hire, and partnerships to pursue.
If having control over business relationships appeals
to you, the entrepreneur life may be the perfect fit.
8. Greater self-confidence
Nothing boosts your confidence more than battling
self-doubt and coming out on top. Many
entrepreneurs become more confident in their self-
sufficiency as time goes on and they see what they
are truly capable of.

9. Leadership experience

Self-discipline, communication skills, passion,
optimism, patience, and unrelenting work ethic.
Building a company from the ground up hones these
leadership traits, which means that entrepreneurship
can transform you into an inspiring leader both
professionally and personally.

10.The best “offices”

Digital nomads are becoming increasingly common.
These types of entrepreneurs often combine fun
travel with online business, and work from cafes,
hotels, and co-working spaces in the coolest cities
around the globe, which can make for some neat
“offices.” Even if you aren’t trekking the world, the
ability to work from a local park, a beautiful café, or
even a home office (while wearing pajamas), is
incredibly tempting.

Benefits of Entrepreneurship to the Economy- Entrepreneurship Advantages to the Economy

Entrepreneurship is important for a number of
reasons, from promoting social change to driving
innovation. Entrepreneurs are frequently thought of as
national assets to be cultivated, motivated, and
remunerated to the greatest possible extent. In fact,
some of the most developed nations such as the
United States are world leaders due to their forward-
thinking innovation, research, and entrepreneurial

Great entrepreneurs have the ability to change the
way we live and work, on local and national bases. If
successful, their innovations may improve standards
of living, and in addition to creating wealth with
entrepreneurial ventures, they also create jobs and
contribute to a growing economy. The importance of
entrepreneurship is not to be understated.

  • Entrepreneurship is important, as it has the ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs but also for related businesses.
  • Entrepreneurs also help drive change with innovation, where new and improved products enable new markets to be developed. 
  • Too much entrepreneurship (i.e., high self-employment) can be detrimental to economic development .For Any Entrepreneur or Business Construction or Company Registration contact +263782818501.
Entrepreneurs Spur Economic Growth

New products and services created by entrepreneurs
can produce a cascading effect, where they stimulate
related businesses or sectors that need to support
the new venture, furthering economic development.

For example, a few information technology
companies made up the IT industry in India during
the 1990s. The industry quickly expanded and many
other sectors benefited from it. Businesses in
associated industries—such as call center operations,
network maintenance companies, and hardware
providers—flourished. Education and training
institutes nurtured a new class of IT workers who
were offered better, high-paying jobs.

Similarly, future development efforts in other
countries require robust logistics support, capital
investments , and a qualified workforce. From the
highly qualified programmer to the construction
worker, entrepreneurship benefits a large part of the
economy. In the U.S. alone, small businesses
created 1.6 million net jobs in 2019. 

Entrepreneurs Add to National Income

Entrepreneurial ventures help generate new wealth.
Existing businesses may remain confined to existing
markets and may hit a limit in terms of income. New
and improved products, services, or technology from
entrepreneurs enable new markets to be developed
and new wealth to be created.

Additionally, increased employment and higher
earnings contribute to better national income in the
form of higher tax revenue and higher government
spending. This revenue can be used by the
government to invest in other struggling sectors and
human capital. Although it may make a few existing
players redundant, the government can soften the
blow by redirecting surplus wealth to retrain workers.

Entrepreneurs Create Social Change

Through offering unique goods and services,
entrepreneurs break away from tradition and reduce
dependence on obsolete systems and technologies.
This can result in an improved quality of life ,
improved morale, and greater economic freedom.
For example, the water supply in a water-scarce
region will, at times, force people to stop working to
collect water. This will impact their business,
productivity, and income.

However, with a project such as the U.S. Agency for
International Development's Kenya RAPID program,
an innovative and automatic pump powered by smart
sensors fills people's water containers automatically,
ensuring more than 184,000 people now have
improved access to clean and safe drinking water.

This type of innovation ensures people are able to
focus on their jobs without worrying about a basic
necessity like water. More time to devote to work
translates to economic growth.

For a more contemporary example, smartphones and
apps have revolutionized work and play across the
globe. Smartphones are not exclusive to wealthy
countries or people, as more than 5 billion people
have mobile devices around the world. 

As the growth of the smartphone market continues,
technological entrepreneurship can have a profound,
long-lasting impact on the world.
Moreover, the globalization of technology means
entrepreneurs in developing countries have access to
the same tools as their counterparts in developed
countries. They also have the advantage of a lower
cost of living , so a young entrepreneur from a
developing country can compete with a multimillion-
dollar existing product from a developed country.

Community Development

Entrepreneurs regularly nurture ventures by other like-
minded individuals. They also invest in community
projects and provide financial support to local
charities. This enables further development beyond
their own ventures.

Some famous entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates, have
used their money to finance good causes, from
education to public health. The qualities that make
one an entrepreneur can be the same qualities that
help motivate entrepreneurs to pay it forward through
philanthropy, in a later chapter of life.
Is All Entrepreneurship Good?

Are there any drawbacks to cultivating entrepreneurs
and entrepreneurship? Is there a limit to the number
of entrepreneurs a society can hold?
Assistant Professor of Business at Columbia
Business School Tania Babina , in a report written
alongside Assistant Professors Wenting Ma and
Christian Moser, Associate Professor Paige Ouimet,
and Assistant Director of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System Rebecca Zarutskie,
found that "employees at young firms receive lower
earnings as compared to employees at older

Italy may provide an example of a place where high
levels of self-employment have proved to be
inefficient for economic development. Research has
shown that Italy has experienced large negative
impacts on the growth of its economy because of
self-employment. There may be truth in the old
saying, "too many chefs and not enough cooks spoil
the soup."

The Role of Government

Regulation plays a crucial role in nurturing
entrepreneurship. Unregulated entrepreneurship may
lead to unwanted social outcomes, including unfair
market practices, pervasive corruption, and criminal

Findings from the United Nations University also
indicate the possible implications of "over-nurturing"
entrepreneurship. European economist Wim Naudé
argues that "while entrepreneurship may raise
economic growth and material welfare, it may not
always result in improvements in non-material
welfare (or happiness). Promotion of happiness is
increasingly seen as an essential goal." 

Paradoxically, a significantly high number of
entrepreneurs may lead to fierce competition and
loss of career choices for individuals. With too many
entrepreneurs, levels of aspirations usually rise.
Owing to the variability of success in entrepreneurial
ventures, the scenario of having too many
entrepreneurs may also lead to income inequality,
making citizens unhappier. 

The Bottom Line

The relationship between entrepreneurship and
economic development is important to understand
for policymakers and business owners.
Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of
entrepreneurship allows a balanced approach to
nurturing entrepreneurship to be taken, which can
result in a positive economic and societal impact.